“Build a Game” is a learning experience for both player and creator. It is a simple digital game where the player is a ball that rolls its way through a course avoiding obstacles to progress to the end. Along the way there are notes that detail the simplicity of game design from the creator to encourage game design. The game play is very simple, like most digital games you move with WASD and the camera follows the perspective of the player from a 3d person perspective. The player can fairly easily roll through the obstacle course and read the notes with ease making it an experience most people could enjoy.

This is the first digital game that I’ve made, so I wanted to make something simple that could help teach me some basics in Unity. I’ve always been a bit uncertain and nervous about making a digital game, it always seemed like a herculean task in my mind. Nevertheless I decided to bite the bullet and learn how to design a game using Unity. I was surprised with how simple it was. If I ran into a problem or wanted to add something but didn’t know how I could easily find the resources online. Even the things that really scared me like making scripts and writing code was fairly easy for my project. I wanted this to be a shared experience between the player and the creator so I decided to have messages around the obstacle course to show the player how easy it was for me to make this game and to encourage them to try and design a game of their own.